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Protect The Right To Vote With The Freedom To Vote Act

Protect the Right to Vote with the Freedom to Vote Act

Historic Legislation for a Stronger Democracy

Transparency, Racial Justice, and Anti-Voter Efforts Blocked

The Freedom to Vote Act (FV Act) is sweeping pro-voter legislation that aims to strengthen American democracy, promote racial justice and equity, and counter anti-voter efforts across the nation. This historic act encompasses a suite of provisions designed to protect the fundamental right to vote and safeguard the integrity of our elections.

Transparency in Campaign Finance

The FV Act incorporates stringent campaign finance reforms to enhance transparency and combat secret spending. It mandates the disclosure of donors spending over a certain threshold, ensuring accountability and preventing undue influence on elections.

Protecting Voting Rights

The act includes robust measures to protect the right to vote, including provisions to expand early voting, implement automatic voter registration, and make Election Day a national holiday. These provisions aim to remove barriers to participation and ensure that every eligible voter has an equal opportunity to cast their ballot.

Countering Partisan Interference

The FV Act also establishes national standards to prevent partisan interference in elections. It prohibits partisan gerrymandering, ensures the security of voter registration rolls, and mandates post-election audits to maintain the integrity of the electoral process.

A Step Towards Democracy Reform

The Freedom to Vote Act is a crucial step towards comprehensive democracy reform. By strengthening voting rights, promoting racial justice, and ensuring transparency in elections, it aims to create a more equitable and inclusive electoral system for all Americans.
